
BaySci research and evaluation efforts currently being conducted by Inverness Research, Inc. is designed to learn about the contributions of the program to participating districts, teachers, and educational institutions.

Evaluation Findings:

BaySci has had an important impact on supporting the improvement of K–12 science teaching in the participating districts. Specifically, BaySci has added value to the districts’ K–12 science education program in several ways including:

A hand writing on a poster board
  1. Elevating the priority of science in each district and influencing district and school culture for supporting science.
  2. Increasing district-level capacities to support and improve K–12 science education.
  3. Increasing school and teacher-level capacities to support and improve K–12 science (professional development dissemination and implementation beyond BaySci offerings and enhanced teacher preparedness and confidence).
  4. Increasing and improving opportunities for students to learn science (increased quantity and quality of K–12 science and benefits to students).
  5. Over the course of the three years, all of the BaySci school districts saw in increase in the mean of the 5th grade scores on the science California Standards Test (CST).

BaySci – Lawrence Hall of Science: Evidence and Reflections from Ten Years of Study PDF
Based on evaluation studies conducted by Inverness Research, Inc., the Research Group at the Lawrence Hall of Science, and SRI International from 2008 to 2017.